Muchas son las profesiones de riesgo, pero a nadie se le escapa que una de ellas es el periodismo, entre el que destaca, los reporteros de las zonas de conflicto.
En la charla de Irene Khan, Morris Tibball-Binz y Reene Alsalem, con motivo de la
Como en todo, unos casos tienen
más repercusión mediática que otros, por citar alguno de ellos tenemos a Farzad
Bazoft jefe de los corresponsales extranjeros para el Observer de Reino Unido,
que fue ejecutado en Irak en marzo de 1990, siendo acusado de espionaje.
Abdi Ipekei el director del rotativo turco Milliver, asesinado en febrero de 1979, por
Las imágenes de los periodistas
norteamericanos, James Foley y Steven Sotloff, degollados por Mohamed Emwazi un
Kuwaiti residente en Londres, apodado como el Yihadista John.
El español Julio Anguita Parrado,
que perdió la vida en Bagdad alcanzado por un proyectil el 7 de abril de 2003,
cuando se encontraba en Irak como reportero del Mundo.
La periodista Zhang Zhan, premio
RSF2021, fue encarcelada en China, por informaciones, que no gustaron al
régimen. Igual suerte corrieron en Bielorrusia las reporteras Daria Tchoultsova
y Katsiarina Andreyova.
El reportero Alejandro A. Martinez
Noguez, fue asesinado el 5 de agosto de 2024, en el interior del vehículo policial,
que lo trasladaba, pese a tener escolta policial, por haber sobrevivido a otro
atentado sufrido en 2022. Dos policías resultaron heridos.
Uno de los más renombrados casos
fue el del periodista americano Daniel
Pearl, secuestrado y asesinado en Karachi (Pakistán) en enero de 2002,
el periodista y director de News, Shabeen Sehhai que intentó averiguar lo
ocurrido en este asesinato, recibió amenazas de muerte, un caso que fue
recogido por Bernard-Henri Levy en su libro ¿Quién mató a Daniel Pearl?
Esto es un pequeño testimonio,
que demuestra lo arriesgada que resulta esta profesión, por dar a conocer casos
escabrosos de la historia reciente de nuestro planeta, o la mala praxis de
algunos gobiernos estatales.
Jose Moore
There are many risky professions, but no one escapes the fact that one of them is journalism, among which reporters from conflict zones stand out.
In the talk by Irene Khan, Morris Tibball-Binz
and Reene Alsalem, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day
against Crimes against Journalists, 2023, which was celebrated on November 2 of
that year, in memory of the French journalists killed in Mali, when they were
covering the problems of this African country, they reported that between 2006
and 2020 more than 1200 journalists were killed in the world for exercising
their profession to inform. Countless cases of kidnapping, torture, abuse and
humiliation of these workers, many of them in Latin America, where Brazil,
Colombia, Mexico and Honduras, top that list.
As in everything, some cases have more media
impact than others, to name one of them we have Farzad Bazoft, head of foreign
correspondents for the United Kingdom Observer, who was executed in Iraq in
March 1990, being accused of espionage.
Abdi Ipekei, the director of the Turkish
newspaper Milliver, was assassinated in February 1979 by Mehmet Ali Agca, a
member of the Turkish terrorist group, the Grey Wolves, the same group that
would later assassinate John Paul II in the Vatican.
The images of the American journalists, James
Foley and Steven Sotloff, with their throats slit by Mohamed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti
resident in London, nicknamed the Jihadist Yohn.
The Spanish Julio Anguita Parrado, who lost his
life in Baghdad hit by a projectile on April 7, 2003, when he was in Iraq as a
reporter for the World.
Journalist Zhang Zhan, winner of the RSF2021
prize, was imprisoned in China for information that the regime did not like.
The same fate befell reporters Daria Tchoultsova and Katsiarina Andreyova in
Reporter Alejandro A. Martínez Noguez was
killed on August 5, 2024, inside the police vehicle, which was transporting
him, despite having a police escort, for having survived another attack
suffered in 2022. Two police officers were injured.
One of the most renowned cases was that of the
American journalist Daniel Pearl, kidnapped and murdered in Karachi (Pakistan)
in January 2002, the journalist and director of News, Shabeen Sehhai who tried
to find out what happened in this murder, received death threats, a case that
was collected by Bernard-Henri Levy in his book Who Killed Daniel Pearl?
This is a small testimony, which shows how
risky this profession is, for publicizing lurid cases of the recent history of
our planet, or the malpractice of some state governments.
Jose Moore
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