La Academia General Básica de Suboficiales
del Ejército de Tierra de España, se puede decir que fue el primer Centro de
Formación de Suboficiales, como Academia.
Esta Instalación militar fue constituida
en un principio para albergar como Campamento de Reclutas de la IV Región
Militar, función que realizó desde 1963 a 1965. Para pasar a ser Centro de
Formación de las Milicias Universitarias.
En 1973, pasa por el Campamento
los aspirantes a ingreso de la Academia General de Oficiales del Ejército de
En mayo de 1974, comienza la
transformación de Campamento a Academia General Básica de Suboficiales y tras
los exámenes de selección de ingreso a la misma, en noviembre de 1974, se presentan
los alumnos del Primer Curso de la Primera Promoción de esta singular academia,
que marcaría un hito en la formación de los Suboficiales del Ejercito de Tierra
de España.
El guion de la Academia estaba
formado por un cuerpo blanco orlada con banda de cuadros de ajedrez y en el centro
el águila con espada y corona, símbolo del Ejército de Tierra.
Las fechas más importantes del Primer
Curso, fueron: 15 de noviembre de 1974 Inauguración Oficial del Primer Curso, donde las primeras palabras del coronel director fueron: Caballeros Alumnos de la Primera Promoción, os habla el coronel Palacios, que ya van siendo horas de que lo vayáis conociendo...;
12 de junio de 1975, la entrega de la Bandera de la Academia, sufragada por el
pueblo de Tremp. La esposa del Alcalde Josefa Buira de Altisent, se la entregó
a la entonces Princesa Sofía que a su vez se la entregó al coronel director
Felipe Palacios 15 de julio de 1977, entrega de despachos a los sargentos
componentes de la Primera Promoción.
Alumnos, Escala de Mando:
Infantería 290; Caballería 55; Artillería 166; Ingenieros 123; Intendencia 16.
Escala de Especialistas: Automoción 60; Electricidad 25; Veterinaria 55; Electrónica
20 y Química 15.
A lo largo de la vida
profesional, los componentes de la Primera Promoción completaron su formación académica,
no son pocos los que realizaron cursos de formación universitaria, uno incluso
llego a Juez, realizaron cursos civiles y militares en España y en el
Extranjero, un 99% ingresó en la escala de oficiales, alcanzando empleos de
teniente hasta coronel.
Enseñanza: Táctica, Topografía, Tiro, Armamento, Transmisiones; Motores, Instrucción Sanitaria, Organización Militar, Ordenanzas, Régimen Interior, Leyes
Penales Militares, Metodología de Mando, Psicopedagogía. Instrucción practica de tiro, con distintos tipos de armas, Orden Cerrado; Instrucción Nocturna, Marchas e endurecimiento, Montajes de vivac, Practicas en Unidades.Por circunstancias de la vida, no son pocos los que celebrarán esta importante efeméride desde el cielo, permaneciendo en el corazón de los que aún siguen peregrinando por la tierra.
Así pues, este año la Academia
cumple medio siglo de existencia como tal.
(Galería fotográfica, del memorial de la Primera Promoción de la AGBS)
Jose Moore. (P. P. AGBS)
The Basic
General Academy of Non-Commissioned Officers of the Spanish Army can be said to
have been the first Non-Commissioned Officer Training Center, as an Academy.
It was created by Order of 31 May 1974 (D.O. no. 125) and was located in the General Camp "Martín Alonso" in Talarn in Tremp (Lleida).
military installation was initially established as a Recruit Camp for the IV
Military Region, a function it performed from 1963 to 1965. To become a
Training Center for the University Militias.
In 1973,
the Camp was attended by the applicants for admission to the General Academy of
Officers of the Army.
In May 1974, the transformation of the Camp into a Basic General Academy for Non-Commissioned Officers began and after the selection exams for admission to it, in November 1974, the students of the First Year of the First Promotion of this unique academy were presented, which would mark a milestone in the training of the Non-Commissioned Officers of the Spanish Army.
Until 1974,
the training of sergeants consisted of two phases, one of three months, by
correspondence, under the supervision of the units of origin of the first
corporals who had been in the job for two years. The second six-month phase was
carried out at the School of Application of the Weapon of each one or at the
Vocational Training Centers. They were
promoted to sergeant.
Without in
any way detracting from the professionalism of those who preceded the students
of the Academy, the new training would consist of three courses, each of them
lasting 10 months, the first would be common to all arms and corps at the
Talarn Academy, with a first common military and cultural course, the second in
the Academies of Arms or Specialty Centers and specific teachings of the weapon
and the third It would consist of the completion of specialization and
practical courses, a new milestone, for the first time in the Spanish Army,
sergeants were able to take the helicopter pilot course, something that until
then, was only reserved for officers. Other courses: Mountaineering, Special
Operations, Tanks, Artificer, Physical Education, Parachuting, Missiles,
Automotive or Helicopter Specialists, etc.
The badges
that the students wore during their training were a diamond filleted in gold,
formed by the Cross of Santiago with a head of the goddess Minerva (D.O. 296 of
31-x-1974). White cords with two branches topped by golden nails. As a badge in
gold terminated at an angle, in the second year, cords and the chevron of the
first corporal and in the third the chevrons of a sergeant, keeping the laces.
The script
of the Academy consisted of a white body bordered with a band of checkered
squares and in the center the eagle with sword and crown, symbol of the Army.
The teaching staff of the First Class was carefully selected, consisting of an infantry colonel, a director with a degree in General Staff, a lieutenant colonel of infantry as head of studies, a lieutenant colonel of infantry as chief of instruction and a third lieutenant colonel of
quartermaster as chief of majority. The commanders-in-chief of the 1st and 2nd Battalions. Captains of different Arms, Company Chiefs and Lieutenants of different Arms Head of Section.The most
important dates of the First Course were: November 15, 1974 Official
Inauguration of the First Course, where the first words of the Colonel Director
were: Gentlemen Students of the First Promotion, Colonel Palacios is speaking
to you, it is time for you to get to know him...; June 12, 1975, the
presentation of the Academy Flag, paid for by the people of Tremp. The wife of
the Mayor, Josefa Buira de Altisent, gave it to the then Princess Sofia, who in
turn gave it to Colonel Director Felipe Palacios on July 15, 1977, handing over
dispatches to the sergeants of the First Promotion.
Command Scale: 290th Infantry; 55th Cavalry; Artillery 166; Engineers 123;
Quartermaster 16. Specialist Scale: Automotive 60; Electricity 25; Veterinary
55; Electronics 20 and Chemistry 15.
The delivery of the royal dispatches was attended by the SSRR of Spain, Mr. Juan Carlos and Mrs. Sofía.
their professional lives, the members of the First Promotion completed their
academic training, there are many who took university training courses, one
even became a Judge, they took civil and military courses in Spain and abroad,
99% entered the officer scale, reaching jobs from lieutenant to colonel.
Due to the
circumstances of life, there are many who will celebrate this important event
from heaven, remaining in the hearts of those who are still on pilgrimage on
Thus, this
year the Academy celebrates half a century of existence as such.
Jose Moore (F.P. AGBS)
from the memorial of the First Class of the AGBS and personal)
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